Tuesday, November 24, 2009


ok so let me start out by giving the people im directing this at a BIG BIG FUCK YOU seriously how can a person call a friend a brother and then go around and talk shit about them??? really?? are you that fucking unhappy and immatture that you have to take your insecurities out on me? its not enough to call me a fake and dance on my face you have to be a baligerent peace of shit too?? well here let me make this crystal fucking clear if you think im gonna let your horibble shots at my ego or whats left of it affect me your so sadly mistaken honestly your nothing you have proven time and time again that your not as mistreated as you would like people too believe you have your "friends" if you can even let that poison leave your lips your the suckiest kind of person your the kind of person that likes to make people feel good about themselves and then rip it away i considered you family i would have taken a bullet for you but you wouldnt have taken a punch for me thats really fucking sad and pathetic you worm so the next time you direct one of your verbal assaults at me keep this in mind the only reason you people treat me like this is cause this is how you feel about yourself on the inside and you pick out what you think is the weakest person in a group and humiliate them you sorry excuse for a human just keep in mind that if we were compareing how we live are lives if there was a gun infront of my face and your face you would already be dead.


what gives a person the right to make another person feel inferior its not right that another person can give up everything to another person just to have it all throwen back in there face, i guess the reason i say this is cause of the quality of people ive encounterd. There really arent bad people just good people makeing bad decisions but when everyone you know is like that who steps into save the person that stands up for everyone?? well no one i guess there really arent very many people that would stand up for another person just because there afraid of what other people would think its human instinct to just follow the crowd if everyones doing drugs then drugs are cool......not i personally cant stand followers there the lowest kind of human being because they waste there life trying to be like another group of people instead of being themselves its a really dissapointing way for one to spend there life if everyone just took 5 seconds out of there lives to make another person feel good i think there would be less school shootings less fights less suicide but unfortuntetly thats not going too happen because people areselfish and only want whats best for them no one else.

20 and stuck in a box

i feel that on someday's im just stuck in a box what does a person do when they feel this way?? some might say listen to music other weak minded people might say go do drugs smoke some pot, me? i like conversations i think that conversations are the gate way to reality and revaluation i think that a person can discover allot about who they are by just having a simple intelligent conversation i also think music can help i think music is medicine for the soul it opens up ways of thinking whether they be negative or positive its quite funny actually cause the reason i opened this bog was cause of a conversation i had with a friend about twenty minutes ago, about trying and doing i think that allot of people get this confused i was one of those people about an hour ago, my friend told me that allot of people if they just did it instead of trying people would find success to be a little easier to obtain people like to wallow around in there own self pity allot and really theres just no point in it its so meaningless its a waste of time U wont ever get back and its as simple as not letting something get too you that all i have for now