Tuesday, November 24, 2009

20 and stuck in a box

i feel that on someday's im just stuck in a box what does a person do when they feel this way?? some might say listen to music other weak minded people might say go do drugs smoke some pot, me? i like conversations i think that conversations are the gate way to reality and revaluation i think that a person can discover allot about who they are by just having a simple intelligent conversation i also think music can help i think music is medicine for the soul it opens up ways of thinking whether they be negative or positive its quite funny actually cause the reason i opened this bog was cause of a conversation i had with a friend about twenty minutes ago, about trying and doing i think that allot of people get this confused i was one of those people about an hour ago, my friend told me that allot of people if they just did it instead of trying people would find success to be a little easier to obtain people like to wallow around in there own self pity allot and really theres just no point in it its so meaningless its a waste of time U wont ever get back and its as simple as not letting something get too you that all i have for now